Invited Lecture 1
Chair: Motohiro Ebisawa
- IL1: Molecular, Genetic and Cellular Pathogenesis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Speaker: Marc E Rothenberg
Invited Lecture 2
Chair: Naoki Shimojo
- IL2: Exposure to environmental microbes - from the hygiene hypothesis to a mechanistic understanding
Speaker: Harald Renz
Invited Lecture 3
Chair: Shigeharu Ueki
- IL3: Eosinophils in allergic diseases: Cytolysis, DNA traps and beyond
Speaker: Hans-Uwe Simon
Invited Lecture 4
Chair: Toshinori Nakayama
- IL4: Immune regulation at barrier surfaces
Speaker: David Artis
Invited Lecture 5
Chair: Koichi Hirose
- IL5: The Link Between Obesity and Asthma: Mechanisms of a non-Type 2 phenotype
Speaker: Dale T Umetsu
Invited Lecture 7
Chair: Jun Tamaoki
- IL7: Epithelial barrier in allergy
Speaker: Cezmi A Akdis
Invited Lecture 8
Chair: Yuji Tohda
- IL8: Dendritic cells at the heart of Th2 immunity to house dust mite allergen in the skin and the lung.
Speaker: Hamida Hammad
Invited Lecture 9
Chair: Kazuhiko Takeuchi
- IL9: Recent advances in allergic rhinitis/rhinosinusitis
Speaker: Wytske Fokkens
Invited Lecture 10
Chair: Keisuke Masuyama
- IL10: Grass pollen immunotherapy (the GRASS trial): biologic and clinical implications for long-term tolerance.
Speaker: Stephen R Durham
Invited Lecture 11
Chair: Yoichi Kohno
- IL11: Confronting the Challenges of Uncontrolled Asthma
Speaker: Erwin W Gelfand
Invited Lecture 12
Chair: Hiroo Yokozeki
- IL12: Microbes, Immunity and Allergic Skin Disease
Speaker: Gabriel Nunez
Invited Lecture 13
Chair: Hirohisa Saito
- IL13: Defective Dectin-1 Regulation of IL-33 Confers Susceptibility to Allergic Asthma
Speaker: Marsha Wills-Karp
Invited Lecture 14
Chair: Sho Matsushita
- IL14: Mechanisms of inducing and breaking allergen tolerance
Speaker: Mübeccel Akdis
Invited Lecture 15
Chair: Shigemi Yoshihara
- IL15: Current advances in phenotyping and endotyping of childhood asthma
Speaker: Robert F Lemanske
Invited Lecture 16
Chair: Ruby Pawankar
- IL16: Epicutaneous Immunotherapy for Food Allergies
Speaker: Christophe Dupont
Invited Lecture 17
Chair: Naoki Shimojo
- IL17: Phenotypes of allergic diseases using mobile technology
Speaker: Jean Bousquet
Educational Lecture 5
Chair: Kenji Izuhara
- EL5: What do editors expect: how to write and review for high impact journals
Speaker: Cezmi A Akdis
Educational Lecture 8
Chair: Kenichi Tokuyama
- EL8: Personalized therapy in asthma: targeting GATA3 - the master transcription factor of type 2 asthma
Speaker: Harald Renz
Educational Lecture 21
Chair: Ken Ohta
- EL21-1: Novel concepts of allergic diseases (the MeDALL study)
Speaker: Jean Bousquet
Symposium 2
Eosinophilic inflammation in respiratory tract - another "One airway, one disease"
Chairs: Shigeharu Fujieda, Koichiro Asano
- S2-1: Mutual impact between asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis
Speaker: Hun Jong Dhong
Symposium 3
Reconsideration of hygiene hypothesis
Chairs: Kenji Matsumoto, Makoto Nagata
- S3-2: Farm dust and endotoxin protect against allergy through A20 induction in lung epithelial cells.
Speaker: Hamida Hammad
Symposium 6
Team-up by collaboration of universities with industries to develop new treatments for allergic diseases
Chairs: Osamu Ohara, Hideki Hanaoka
- S6-1: Solving Allergy Problems Through Academic-Industry Partnerships
Speaker: Marc E Rothenberg
Symposium 10
Asthma in senior peoples: pathogenesis and treatments
Chairs: Akihito Yokoyama, Nobuyuki Hizawa
- S10-1: Phenotypes and endotypes among older adults with asthma
Speaker: Ioana Agache
Symposium 12
New knowledge from cohort studies
Chairs: Naoki Shimojo, Yukihiro Ohya
- S12-1: How and When Does Asthma Begin?
Speaker: Robert F Lemanske
Symposium 13
Common-sense and issues in treatment of asthma- team-up by collaboration of pediatrician with physician
Chairs: Toshio Katsunuma, Hiromasa Inoue
- S13-4: Allergen immunotherapy: Primary prevention and control of allergy
Speaker: Carsten B Schmidt-Weber
Symposium 14
Consideration of treatment of allergic rhinitis hereafter: from Japan, Europe and Korea
Chairs: Hideyuki kawauchi, Nobuo Ohta
- S14-1: Stratification of patients with severe rhinitis and asthma
Speaker: Jean Bousquet - S14-2: Consideration of treatment of allergic rhinitis hereafter: Korea
Speaker: Dong-Young Kim
Symposium 18
New Trends in Mucosal Immunology for Allergic Diseases
Chairs: Hiroshi Kiyono, Pearay Ogra
- S18-1: Evolution of Mucosal Immunity and Impact on Allergic and Infectious disease states: Historical Perspective.
Speaker: Pearay Ogra
Presidential Program 1
Present situation and future views of allergen specific immunotherapy
Chairs: Yoshitaka Okamoto, Masami Taniguchi
- PP1-3: Present situation and future views of allergen specific immunotherapy
Speaker: Antonella Muraro
APAAACI Symposium
Allergen sensitization, asthma and the environment.
Chairs: Yuji Tohda, Ruby Pawankar
- PP3-2: Thunderstorm-related asthma: recognizing environmental and population susceptibility factors
Speaker: Frank Thien
JSA-WAO Symposium
Allergen Specific Immunotherapy Up to Date
Chairs: Yoshitaka Okamoto, Motohiro Ebisawa
- WAO-1: Mechanisms of allergen-specific tolerance
Speaker: Mübeccel Akdis - WAO-2: Cluster SCIT for allergic rhinitis
Speaker: Luo Zhang
JSA-EAACI Symposium
From disease mechanisms to guidelines for clinical practice
Chairs: Kenji Izuhara, Ioana Agache
- EAACI-1: From disease mechanisms to guidelines for clinical practice
Speaker: Antonella Muraro - EAACI-2: Current and future biomarkers in allergic asthma
Speaker: Carsten B Schmidt-Weber - EAACI-3: Endotypes of non-type 2 asthma
Speaker: Ioana Agache
English Session-Oral 1
Allergen Sensitization and Immunotherapy (1)
Chair: Koichiro Asano, Stephen R Durham
English Session-Oral 2
Allergen Sensitization and Immunotherapy (2)
Chair: Hideaki Morita, Mübeccel Akdis
English Session-Oral 3
Pathophysiology of Allergy and Allergic Disorders (1)
Chair: Hisako Matsumoto, Erwin W Gelfand
English Session-Oral 4
Clinical Problems in Allergic Disorders (1)
Chair: Akio Niimi, Omar Usmani
English Session-Oral 5
Clinical Problems in Allergic Disorders (2)
Chair: Yuichi Adachi, Antonella Muraro
English Session-Oral 6
Pathophysiology of Allergy and Allergic Disorders (2)
Chair: Kenji Izuhara, Marsha Wills-Karp
English Session-Oral 7
Pathophysiology of Allergy and Allergic Disorders (3)
Chair: Yoshinori Matsuwaki, Cezmi Akdis
English Session-Poster 1
Poster Session 1
Chair: Hiroyuki Sano
English Session-Poster 2
Poster Session 2
Chair: Sho Matsushita
Luncheon Seminar 12
The Salford Lung Study
Chair: Neil Barnes
- ES12-1: Salford Lung Study Asthma -Consideration from latest evidence-
Speaker: Neil Barnes
Luncheon Seminar 18
Chair: Koichiro Asano
- ES18: New and emerging treatment options for severe asthma.
Speaker: Mark FitzGerald
Evening Symposium 1
Chair: Hirohisa Saito
- EVS1-1: Mechanisms of allergen immunotherapy and predictive biomarkers
Speaker: Stephen R Durham
Evening Symposium 5
Chairs: Hiromasa Inoue, Nobuyuki Hizawa
- EVS5-3: Current concepts in the pathobiology of severe asthma
Speaker: Peter Howarth
Evening Symposium 6
Chair: Yuji Tohda
- EVS6-2: Inhaler choice for success of asthma treatment
Speaker: Omar Usmani